Local, national and international media featuring Ying Wu College of Computing faculty and students
When creative work becomes a target of review bombing, what do platforms do? (Rappler, September 22, 2023, Yvette Wohn)
Julie Ancis: «La Ciberpsicología se convertirá en una disciplina puntera»(Cuadernos de Seguridad, March 29,2023, Julie Ancis) English Translation
Can You Get a Master’s Degree in Computer Science without a Computer Science Background? (Fortune Education, August 30, 2022, Dean Craig Gotsman)
Charli D'Amelio Turned 18 and was Flooded with Demands to Start an OnlyFans, Part of a Long History of Harmful Sexualization Young Stars Face (Insider, May 13, 2022, Julie Ancis Quoted)
NJIT Ranks as Top Game Design School in NJ (Animation Career Review, April 22, 2022)
The Coronavirus Quieted City Noise. Listen to What’s Left (The New York Times, May 22, 2020, Interview with Mark Cartwright)
Exploring the Job Market for Communication Ph.D.s (Growing Up Comm, October 5, 2022, Featured Guest: Yvette Wohn)
What is Technology Doing to You and our Social Interactions? (Buzzsprout, September 19, 2022, Featured Guest: Julie Ancis)
The Post-Pandemic Future: Are We Ready? | Julie Ancis | TEDxNJIT
CBS Live recording from JerseyCTF | YWCC, NJIT