IS and IT Centers and Labs
Students benefit from a hands-on approach that provides them with a real grasp of the actual technology, development tools, and paradigms in demand in the IT industry.
Gidget Lab @ NJIT
We are devoted to research on building, testing, and improving educational technologies to increase participation in STEM. Our research focuses on projects exploring new technologies for people to interact and learn (especially online). Our current research addresses the following problem areas: (1) Teaching STEM online at scale. How can we make current and future technologies for learning more engaging for a wide-range of learners (while showing measurable learning gains)? Can we achieve this online, without human teacher intervention? (2) Increasing participation and diversity in STEM. How can we work with community partners to create sustainable STEM/computing programs for underserved and underrepresented youth? How can we ensure that these programs increase diversity and participation in STEM? (3) Teaching STEM using mixed-reality. How can we use the latest in virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies to engage and teach novices various STEM topics?
Faculty: Michael J. Lee
Members: Yu Xu (Ph.D. Student), Eric Nersesian (Ph.D. Student), Ruiqi Shen (Ph.D. Student), Kantida Nanon (Ph.D. Student), David Eisenberg (Ph.D. Student)
Social Interaction Lab
At the Social Interaction Lab, we develop novel technologies for positive social interaction and try to understand how people use social technologies, such as social media, mobile phones, and multiplayer games, just to name a few. We are human-computer interaction (HCI) scholars and use both qualitative and quantitative research methods. We are a very diverse group and our work is inevitably interdisciplinary; drawing from psychology, communication, computer science, and design. Research in our lab has been supported by the Mozilla Foundation, National Science Foundation, and Yahoo among others.
Faculty: Donghee Yvette Wohn
Undergrad student full list here
Virtual Technology Applications Lab for Human Simulation (ViTALHS)
ViTALHS (pronounced “Vitals”) is a research lab in the College of Computing at New Jersey Institute of Technology. The ViTALHS team consists of faculty researchers, software developers, artists (3D modelers/animators), PhD students, undergraduate researchers, and collaborators.
Our aim is to design, develop, evaluate, and research simulations to improve training, especially in areas related to human surrogates and/or healthcare simulation. Research areas include human computer interaction, virtual humans, mixed reality experiences (AR / VR / MR), modeling, simulation, and training. We collaborate with experts from multiple domains (e.g., healthcare, education) to research and develop training simulations using interactive 3D graphics, multimedia, and multi-sensory immersive elements.
Faculty: Salam Daher, Ph.D.
Current Students: Dahlia Musa (PhD Student), Asif Ahmmed Joy (PhD Student), Yaksh Patel (MS thesis), Rita Moreno (graduated), Talaar Rastguelenian, Kimia Naeiji
Game AI Methods and Evolutionary Systems
Game AI Methods and Evolutionary Systems (GAIMES; pronounced games) is a research lab in the Ying Wu College of Computing at NJIT led by Dr. Amy K. Hoover, Ph.D. in Computer Science. Her group designs and applies algorithms to solve AI-based challenges in digital games and broader problems in machine learning.
Faculty: Amy Hoover, Ph.D.
Members: Azadeh Naderi (Ph.D. Student), Arash Moradi (Ph.D. Student)
Interactive Cross Reality (iXR) Lab
The interactive Cross-Reality (iXR) lab addresses the general areas of interactive Extended Reality (XR) applications and serious game development. The Lab investigates specific topics in virtual and augmented reality and cross-model (visual, audio, and haptic) user experiences in driving simulations, military mission planning, education, and forensic science. Another theme in the Lab is gaze-contingent displays designed for gaming and social interaction applications. The lab work is split between simulating and visualizing complex phenomena such as different weather conditions, complex data formations, and user studies looking at the impact of spatial displacement in navigation and learning.
Faculty: Dr. Margarita Vinnikov
Members: Kian Motahari (Ph.D. Student), Kantida Nanon (Ph.D. Student), Derrick Sanchez, David Garcia, Kamil Arif, Charles Maher
Visual computing, Graphics, and Artificial intelligence (VGA) Lab
Welcome to the VGA lab, led by Dr. Tomer Weiss. Our mission is to solve challenging computational problems in the following areas: crowd and collective dynamics, artificial intelligence in computational design, computer graphics and vision, machine learning, and related fields.
Faculty: Tomer Weiss, Ph.D.
Sound Interaction and Computing (SInC) Lab
The Sound Interaction and Computing (SInC) Lab is headed by Prof. Mark Cartwright in the Informatics Department of New Jersey Institute of Technology. The lab pursues research at the intersection of human-computer interaction and machine learning with the aim of building tools to aid in the understanding and the creative expression of sound. To do so, the lab studies people’s needs and practices, researches new technology to meet those needs, and then studies how people use this new technology.
Faculty: Mark Cartwright
Members: Azadeh Naderi (Ph.D. Student), Sripathi Sridhar (Ph.D. Student), Keita Ohshiro (Ph.D. Student)
M.I.N.D. Labs
The M.I.N.D. Labs research network conducts research in the areas of interface design, human-computer interaction, and cognitive science. Research projects include work on new virtual and augmented reality hardware, interfaces, and applications; adaptive brain-computer systems; health and behavior change systems and applications, and research on the effects of computing systems on improving, modifying, or altering human cognition and behavior. Founded in 1996 the lab facilities have included 10 universities spanning three continents. Projects in the M.I.N.D. Labs have been funded by NSF, NASA, NIH, European Union, ARPA-E, US Air Force, Amazon, Samsung, as well as several other funders.
Members: Frank Biocca, Ph.D., Hannah Kum-Biocca, Ph.D.
The Cyberpsychology and Online Messaging Lab
At the Cyberpsychology and Online Messaging Lab, we investigate the content and process of social media messages in multiple subject areas including COVID-19 vaccines, and its impact on beliefs and behaviors. Current projects include the study of the intersections of culture, tailored messages, individual perceptions, and behavioral intentions. This interdisciplinary lab employs psychology, computer science, cognitive science, data science, and communications to study real-world phenomena. Contact Lab Director, Dr. Julie Ancis.
Members: Vrushali Koli (Ph.D. student), Komal Dilip Untwal (Master's Student), Mariam Mohsin (Undergraduate Student)