Located in GITC 4219, the Game Development Lab is used by our IT Students in the Game Development specialization to practice what they have learned in their Game Development track. For access to this Lab, please contact the IT Program Office at 973-596-5764 or contact Prof. Marc Sequeira.
IT Systems Administration Lab
Located in GITC 1301, the Systems Administration Lab is where some of our IT courses take place. Please contact Prof. Stanley Senesy if you plan on visiting this lab.
Center for Information Protection, Cybersecurity Lab (CIP Lab)
Located in GITC 1204, the CIP or Cybersecurity Lab is the place where IT Students conduct research and practice the knowledge acquired in their Network and Security courses. Lab Administrators effectively train and instruct current students in the art of proper administration and security practices so that they may positively impact the changing global IT landscape.
CIP hosts many hands-on labs for a variety of classes at NJIT to teach practical experience for the theories taught by faculty. Stop by our open hours at the lab and get a hands-on and personalized learning experience. Learn from our senior staff, ask questions and get the practical experience you need. To access this lab, please contact our Lab Administrator, Vadym Apostolyuk at va58@njit.edu, or Senior Lab Administrator, Justin Munier at jcm38@njit.edu.
Take an opportunity to follow this research group on our CIP Twitter page. The CIP Lab's Director is Dr. Robert Statica and general administration is provided by the IT Program.